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208-624-4008 paul@rexburgpt.com

Athletic Training

Our athletic training in Rexburg is the best at providing care for athletes including taping, injury care, bracing, sport specific training, and emergency care of athletes during games and practices.

Looking for athletic training in Rexburg? Our certified athletic trainer (ATC’s) is an expert in identifying, preventing, and managing injuries that arise because of physical activity. ATC’s provide a way to avoid injuries that could require medical attention as well as to provide an easier way to return an individual to the desired physical activity.

The American Medical Association describes athletic trainers as “lifeguards” to the athlete and that every athletic event should have one present for high school sports. Most Athletic Trainers are employed by clinics, college’s and Professional teams.


Other information

Our business hours are Monday thru Friday 8 am to 5:30 pm and by appointment on Saturday. We are closed from 12 pm to 1 pm for lunch.

Rexburg Location

36 Winn Drive Suite #100 Rexburg 83440

Phone: 208-356-0174

Fax: 208-356-0176